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R & D Projects Implemented

At Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay

As, Scientific Officer-C (1979-83) and, as Scientific Officer-SD(1984-85)

  1. Designed Microprocessor-based Gaseous Fission Productions Monitoring system (GFPMS): The research reactor CIRUS at BARC consists 198 fuel-rods. If there is a split in the fuel rod, the fission products are carried over with the coolant heavy water, which causes contamination in the environment. The 11 fuel rods' coolant water is mixed with one header, making total 18 headers, and correspondingly there are 18 detectors for system. This was processed by this system, the output was sent to a display to indicate the precise position of failed fuel rod. The micro-processor-based system was designed for installation in the control-room where as the fuel rod sensors were in the reactor. The fully implemented microprocessor-based system consisted of input signal conditioning, sample-and-hold, A to D converter, CPU with memory, I/O, and output display.
  2. Computerized Analysis of Reactor controlled system for stability considerations on following computer environment: PRIMOS on PRIME - 450 Machine, VMS on PDP-11 Machine, and BESM-6 main Frame.
  3. Participated in Installation and commissioning of Reactor control Instrumentation in newly built R-5 (i.e. Dhruva) Reactor.

At J.N.V. University, Jodhpur

Associate Professor (Dept. of Ele. & Comm. Engg.) (1985 -97)

Associate Professor (Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg.)(1997 -2001)

Head (Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg.)(2001-2006)

Professor (Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg. from Feb. 2004)

Professor & Head(Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg. from June 2009-dec. 2013.

  1. Integration of Existing facilities in Computer Lab., (grant received from MHRD, Govt. of India).
  2. Investigation of Traffic Control and Routing Mechanism in Packet Switching Network Using BISDN. (Grant received from IACTE): PI: Prof PS Tiwari, and me as CO-PI.
  3. MODROB: Modernization of Computer Laboratory: Grant received from All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).
  4. INFONET Project: Connecting entire university,s departments and faculties, distributed in four campuses, with Internet using fiber-optics backbone. The project grant was funded by UGC (University Grants Commission).
  5. Upgrading of University Computer Centre & Hostel Networking:Under this project all the Engineering hostels were connected to Internet as well as the University Computer Centre, using fiber-optics backbone. Total 811 connections were provided in different hostel rooms. In addition, servers were installed at computer centre as a large scale computing facility.